You need your own piece of internet real estate!
Setting up your own website for your business is essential. Nowadays people expect to be able to find what they are looking for online. A website presents you as a solid, stable institution willing to invest in yourself. In the days of past, having a “brick and mortar” location showed your dedication to your organization, but in changing times it has now become important that your web presence is as solid as a physical location.
Remember potential customers will be searching for you. They want to buy what you have to offer or use your services. But if you are not on the internet, they cannot find you. If you have a location customers can visit, that is great, just realize that the mass majority will visit you online to see what you are all about before they enter your physical location. Think of your website as the large open windows of the stores on the historical Main Streets that encouraged people to come on in. They give a view of what you do, what you have to offer, and your professional staff before they ever walking into your business.
Social media platforms and blogging sites have their place as you market and grow your business, but you need your own piece of internet real estate. If you are building a business and purely using social media for your online presence, think about it as rented land. This is not a good foundation for growing your personal brand. It means you will not wake up one day and find someone has changed the algorithm, so your posts are not as visible, or worse, they have scrapped the feature your community uses. You need to be building your online home and inviting people to explore all the great value you have to offer them.
Investing in a website can be crucial to make your home business take off and continue to grow. Make your website look professional and functional, since poorly designed or slow websites might make visitors perceive your company as a scam.